TAURON Polska Energia SA

BankCompany HQ: Poland
Industry Sector
Power, Mining
Tameh Holding sp Z oo
Tauron Cieplo Sp
Tauron Wydobycie SA
Tauron Wytwarzanie SA

Companies financed byBanks that financed TAURON Polska Energia SA

Loans given in 2021/2022/2023
Underwriting services provided in 2021/2022/2023

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Current selection: companies receivedbanks provided a total of $ M in loans and underwriting

HQ 2021 2022 2023 Loans 2021 2022 2023 Underwriting Total
Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego Poland $88M $88M $88M
PKO Bank Polski Poland $69M $69M $69M
PZU Group Poland $35M $35M $35M
La Caixa Group Spain $35M $35M $35M
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China China $31M $31M $31M
Citigroup United States $31M $31M $31M
Santander Spain $31M $31M $31M
Erste Group Austria $31M $31M $31M
China Construction Bank China $14M $14M $14M