PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium

BankCompany HQ: Indonesia
Industry Sector
Mining, Power, Services
Power, Infrastructure
PT Huadian Bukit Asam Power
PT Bukit Asam Tbk
PT Bukit Asam Prima
PT Bukit Pembangkit Innovative
PT Internasional Prima Coal

Companies financed byBanks that financed PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium

Loans given in 2021/2022/2023
Underwriting services provided in 2021/2022/2023

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Current selection: companies receivedbanks provided a total of $ M in loans and underwriting

HQ 2021 2022 2023 Loans 2021 2022 2023 Underwriting Total
Bank Mandiri Indonesia $155M $28M $183M $183M
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Japan $54M $28M $82M $82M
SMBC Group Japan $45M $28M $73M $73M
Malayan Banking Malaysia $67M $67M $67M
DBS Singapore $31M $28M $60M $60M
Bank of China China $27M $28M $55M $55M
United Overseas Bank Singapore $22M $28M $50M $50M
HSBC United Kingdom $45M $45M $45M
BNP Paribas France $31M $31M $31M
Bank Central Asia Indonesia $31M $31M $31M
Standard Chartered United Kingdom $31M $31M $31M
Intesa Sanpaolo Italy $31M $31M $31M
State Bank of India India $29M $29M $29M
Bank Negara Indonesia Indonesia $28M $28M $28M
Bank Rakyat Indonesia Indonesia $28M $28M $28M
Bank of Baroda India $22M $22M $22M
Concordia Financial Japan $13M $13M $13M
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China China $7M $7M $7M
Arab Bank Jordan $7M $7M $7M